The Isiah Montouth Project Scholarship


Award - $500


This scholarship is to recognize students that have overcome poverty, crime and violence, mental health struggles, and other challenges.

This scholarship is in memory of Isiah Jante Montouth, son and brother of our family, who struggled with some of the aforementioned hardships. Isiah was unable to recognize his life and educational goals because he lost his life at an early age. Therefore, it is the will of the Montouth family to help support others in achieving their own life and educational goals and help them rise above all adversity.


Selection Criteria

Ideal candidates will…

  • Be a high school senior that graduates in 2024, in the Bay Area (California)

  • Be an Black/African American, Latinx, or Native American student

  • Have a minimum 2.5 high school GPA

  • Enroll at a community college or university in Fall 2024

*Scholarship will be dispersed upon verification of graduation and Fall 2024 enrollment verification after the “drop date” of the school you are attending. More details about verification will be released to selected applicants.


The IMP Scholarship will have a one-year, renewable option for scholarship recipients to potentially receive an additional $500 in their second year of college. Scholars will have to apply for the renewal after completing their first year and maintaining a minimum 2.0 college GPA requirement. Scholars will also be required to go through the same verification process for the dispersement of the second year funds.

How to Apply

Applicants for our 2024 scholarship will need to complete the three-step process to submit a full application. 


1. Prepare two responses to the following personal statement prompts: 

  • Tell us about your life and any adversity you have had to overcome. (500 words or less)

  • What are your life goals, and how do you plan to achieve them? (500 words or less)

2. Fill out the application using the "Apply Now" link below to answer some personal information and paste your personal statement responses.  

3. Send a copy of your transcript to (an unofficial transcript is fine).

If you have any questions, please reach out to Stefanie Montouth at